Thank you for considering animal chiropractic care
"We aim to complete NOT compete."
I wanted to say thank you for being curious and exploring additional complementary options for your patients.
My job is to work together with veterinarians in order to offer patients conservative options for the co-management of neuro-musculoskeletal disorders.
Common things I work with include:
-Mystery lameness
-Behavior change
-Degenerative disorders
-Orthopedic problems
-Neurologic deficits
-Performance enhancement
I do NOT replace traditional vet care. I believe animals do best with a multi-modal approach.
You can expect:
-Prompt updates after every visit
-Open communication via phone or email
-Referrals back for further management
Yes, every new patient will need a written vet note prior to booking.
I look forward to working together!
Sending a patient
Please forward any records you have
You can email or
To speak with us directly about a patient, please call 469-324-9844 (press ext 0)